92 Blechynden Street,
WA 6255
For an appointment in Bridgetown please telephone: 9761 4558
Rowland Paul Benjamin
Registered Osteopath
Certificate of Registration with the Osteopathy Board of Australia (2011)
Certificate of Registration, with the Osteopathic Registration Board of WA (July 1985)
Certificate of Registration, NSW Register of Chiropractors and Osteopaths. (July 1989 – 2011)
Current osteopathic practices:
Bridgetown Osteopathic Clinic, 92 Blechynden St, Bridgetown WA 6255
Morley Wellness Centre, Suite 16, 222 Walter Rd, Morley, WA 6062
Past osteopathic practices:
403 Charles Street, North Perth, WA 6006 (2003 – 2009)
The Natural Health Centre, 7 Rosslyn St, West Leederville, WA 6007 (1997-2002)
‘Float for Health’, Petra St, Palmyra, WA, 6157 (1989)
Vidah Natural Health Centre, 168 Scarborough Beach Rd, Mt Hawthorn, 6016, WA (1989-1993)
Brunswick Health Retreat, Brunswick Junction, WA (1989)
15 Mill Hill Rd, Irby, Wirral, Merseyside, UK (1987)
Liverpool Wholistic Health Centre, Liverpool, UK (1987)
75 Ocean St, Bondi, NSW (1985)
Previous employment
Christmas Island Hospital as Osteopath (2010 – 2011)
Masseur and Gym instructor at American Health Studios, 446 Murray Street, Perth, 6000, WA. (1979)
Established Perth School of Yoga, Perth, WA. (1979)
Established Chester School of Yoga Chester, UK. (1978)
Past Lecturing postions
Hydrotherapy, Australian College of Natural Health Sciences, East Perth, WA, 6004.
Advanced massage technique, Australian College of Natural Health Sciences (1998-9)
Myofascial manipulation at British School of Osteopathy
Workshops in ‘Myofaction – myofascial manipulation’, West Leederville, WA 6007.
Surface anatomy, TAFE, Mt Lawley, WA, 6050. (1991-1992 &1998-2000)
Contemporary Health Issues, Australian College of Natural Health Sciences (1998-9)
Health Skills, Australian College of Natural Health Sciences
Advanced massage technique, Australian College of Natural Health Sciences
Massage technique, TAFE, Mt Lawley, WA, 6050.
Soft tissue technique, TAFE, Mt Lawley, WA, 6050. (1990)
Natural living, Edith Cowan University, WA.
Alternative medicine, WACAE, WA (1989)
Natural living, WACAE, WA (1989)
Alternative medicine, Liverpool City Council, UK (1986)
Natural living, Burton Manor College, Cheshire, UK (1986)
Books published
Osteopathic textbook ‘Myofaction – myofascial manipulation’. (2000)
Textbook on stretching ‘Safe Stretch – a comprehensive guide’ (2015)
Diploma in Osteopathy, Pacific College of Osteopathic Medicine, Sydney, NSW (July 1985)
Registration examinations in Osteopathy, University of NSW (May 1985)
Permaculture design consultant course, Sydney, NSW !985)
Completed thesis “hypermobility and ligamentous laxity” (December 1984)
Transactional Analysis, Tony White, Perth, WA (1979)
Hatha Yoga studies a) Sri Sharma Ashram, Khajuraho, India. 1975 b) BKS Iyengar Ashram, Poona, India. 1977 & 1979 c) Iyengar teachers association, London, UK. 1978
Current projects
Research on hypermobility
Writing books on Stretching, Yoga and Self massage techniques
Past Projects
Research and writing on stretching and hypermobility for books on Stretching and Yoga Safety (2010)
Online cause-effect health environment database: (2003)
Thesis ‘Hypermobility and ligament laxity’ (1985)
Subject covered studying Osteopathy (1980 -1985)
Integrated Science
Soft tissue manipulation
Naturopathic philosophy
General studies
First aid
Herbal medicine
Advanced massage
Alexander technique
Counselling skills
Sports medicine
Exercise therapy
Postural therapy
Osteopathic theory and method
Clinical practice
Osteopathic theory and method
Physiology .
Clinical method
Symptomatology and diagnosis
Clinical practice
Osteopathic theory and method
Fasting and Natural hygiene
Differential diagnosis
Clinical practice
Environmentlal Activism
Performed Eco Freako Show at Midland Junction Arts Centre and North Fremantle Community Centre (2010)
Set up Music with Attitude as umbrella group for musician activists and website (2010)
Eco Freako Show resumed – Stream Dreaming festival (2010)
Created the Green Pages website (2007)
Eco Freako performances at Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA) Perth Cultural Centre, James Street Northbridge (2003 & 2005)
Eco Freako Show presented to schools in Perth, Western Australia (2003)
Created the Information for Action website (2003)
The website contains a database of green groups and an automated lobbying service targeting the worlds’ leaders. The web site also contains a quiz, music, animations, a search engine, a chemicals database and up-to-date information on a wide range of environmental subjects.
Press Officer for the Merseyside (UK) S26 Alliance. Protest held in Prague, Czech Republic (2000)
Established ‘Information for Action’ at ‘The Natural Health Centre’, 7 Rosslyn St, West Leederville, WA 6007.
Independent Green Activist/Lobbyist. (UK) (1993-6)
Earth First! (at British Aerospace, Bethesda Slate Quarry and various EF Gatherings), Reclaim the Streets, (M41),
Friends of the Earth (Newbury, Mostyn Docks), SOS (Solsbury Hill), and Critical Mass (Manchester)
Other actions include Stanworth Valley, Lancashire, and Cardiff Barrage.
Environmental street theatre ‘George and the dragon’, Carnarvon Castle, Wales and around the UK.
Eco Freako Show at Glastonbury festivals 1994 and 1995, Forest Fayre, and Wirral Green Fayre (1994 & 1995)
Live televised interview ‘Channel 4 goes to Glastonbury’.
Song writing: The Grim Reaper (1994) The Green Sower and Ecofreco (1995). Release of debut album ‘Life and death’ (1994). Second album ‘Zoom’ (1996).
Reps Council member, The Greens (WA). (1992-3)
Active member of the Green Party (UK) and Soil Association, Wirral, UK (1986-7)
Permaculture design consultant course, Sydney, NSW (1985)
Additional Information
I have experience with a wide variety of computer software including MS Word, MS Power point, MS Access, Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop.
I have given talks and written articles on health and environmental issues for over 30 years.
I enjoy listening to music, swimming, web design, reading, eating and preparing food.
I write music, play guitar, sing, and act (political satire). I make digital animations and design theatre sets, costumes and props.
I have travelled extensively throughout the world.
I have travelled extensively and have photos from: Afghanistan, Algeria, Australia, Austria, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador (including the Galapagos Is.), Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lithuania, Laos, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, UK, and the United States.
Published Books: Myofaction and Safe Stretch
He also interested in Music: Music with Attitude